Plassembler Simulated Reads Benchmarking Results

All benchmarking was conducted on a Intel® Core™ i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz on a machine running Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS.

The following Tables show the summary statistics of plassembler (with Flye and Raven) and Unicycler run from read sets simulated from 20 assemblies from Wick, Judd, Wyres et al 2021 here, Houtak et al (C222), here and here, Mathers et al (CAV1217) here, and for De Maio et al here.

Accuracy was assessed using QUAST comparing plasmid assemblies against the ground truth.

You can find the full pipeline used to generate these results here and the results themselves here.

Time and Memory Usage

As can be seen below, Plassembler was consistently faster than Unicycler by 3-10x in terms of wall clock time, with the largest increase coming single-threaded. Plassembler with Raven was also faster than with Flye.

Threads Program Median Wall Clock Time (s) Min Wall Clock Time (s) Max Wall Clock Time (s) Median Max Memory (MB) Min Max Memory (MB) Max Max Memory (MB)
1 Plassembler with Flye 7012 1926 28103 3039 2442 5275
1 Plassembler with Raven 3893 815 22106 1764 1307 2464
1 Unicycler 32619 13183 66880 2804 1404 3784
8 Plassembler with Flye 1563 531 4852 4842 2274 7712
8 Plassembler with Raven 700 132 3051 2579 1587 7891
8 Unicycler 4411 2139 10003 6568 5610 6826
16 Plassembler with Flye 1019 497 2675 5892 3832 15086
16 Plassembler with Raven 430 114 1749 3517 2360 15195
16 Unicycler 2554 1347 5098 12967 6509 13549

Assembly Accuracy

All results below were taken from each program run with 8 threads.

As can be seen below, plassembler missed only 1 plasmid (2370 bp plasmid in Enterobacter kobei MSB1 1B) while Unicycler missed 7, of which were small (under 10kbp). These were S. aureus C222 (2473 bp), C. koseri MINF 9D (9294 bp), K. oxytoca MSB1 2C (4574 bp), K. variicola INF345 (5783 bp), E. cloacae RBHSTW-00059 (2495 bp) and K. pneumoniae RBHSTW-00128 (3980 bp).

plassembler also had more fragmented assemblies than Unicycler (3 and 5 v 1). All assemblers fragmented the linear plasmid in K. variicola_ INF345, while Plassembler with Flye also fragmented a 3764 bp plasmid in C. gillenii RBHSTW-00142, and a 4841 bp plasmid in K. oxytoca RBHSTW-00167.

Brackets indicate (minimum and maximum). Indels and Mismatches are expressed as median, and per 100 kbp from QUAST.

Program Missed Plasmids Incomplete/Fragmented Plasmids Misassemblies Genome Fraction Indels Mismatches
Plassembler with Flye 1 3 0 99.78 (mean), 99.97 (median), (98.16, 100) 0 (0, 1.37) 0.91 (0, 11.12)
Plassembler with Raven 1 5 0 99.04 (mean), 99.96 (median), (87.86, 100) 0 (0, 1.37) 1.04 (0, 11.12)
Unicycler 7 1 1 93.81 (mean), 99.88 (median), (0, 100) 0 (0, 1.54) 0.88 (0, 7.28)